Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Gingerbread Is The King for Android Platform

Google has released the latest Android Platform distribution data for the two weeks period ending on November 3, and there are three things that caught our attention.

First of all, Gingerbread has finally taken over as the top Android OS in the land of Android devices. Over 44% of devices that accessed the Android Market in the 2 week period ending in November 3 were Gingerbread devices.

This is due to the fact that pretty much all new Android devices that have launched in the past few months have launched with Gingerbread.

The second thing visible from the data is that Froyo still accounts for over 40% of phones out there. This is bad news because it means that the upgrade process to Android 2.3 is still moving at a slow pace.

The last thing that caught our attention is the Honeycomb distribution. Unfortunately, things aren’t looking so good for Honeycomb. Less than 2% of total Android devices are running a version of Honeycomb (Android 3.x). Yes, the number is climbing, but let’s be real, it’s climbing at a very slow pace.

via Android Developers

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