Saturday, November 5, 2011

Galaxy S II Skyrocket and HTC Vivid : Ice Cream Sandwich

Are you excited for the new Samsung Galaxy S II Skyrocket?  How about the HTC Vivid?  While these hot new phones will be blazing fast at 4G speeds, They’re both going to be running on Android Gingerbread, a fact that can be viewed as somewhat disappointing seeing as the next iteration – Ice Cream Sandwich (ICS) – has already been announced.

Well, no need to fret, while you will be able to pick up both of the new devices this coming Sunday, November 6 with Gingerbread, sometime in early 2012 you’ll be enjoying the goodness of the Ice Cream Sandwich flavor.  AT&T has confirmed that after going through all of the proper testing, both devices will indeed receive the upgrade.  There is sadly no time frame mentioned outside of the ballpark date that could be anywhere up to June of next year, but our suspicions are that it won’t take quite that long.

While this news shouldn’t come as that big of a surprise to anyone considering the timing of these phones being released, it’s still nice to see some confirmation of the fact.  Any Android phone coming out from here on out that isn’t going to be receiving ICS is going to have a tough time getting picked up by consumers who keep up on this sort of information, so it’s going to be essential that carriers and manufacturers get the word out about when and which handsets will receive the update.

Does this news make you any more likely to pick up the Skyrocket or the Vivid?

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